A subject you enjoyed studying this term.

Hello again, today I will talk to you about a topic that I have recently noticed is very present in our university life, "mental health". Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social wellbeing, since it not only influences the way we think, the way we feel, act, but also the way we see life, which, being in perfect balance, allows us to develop responsibly in our family, social and student environment, as well as enjoy wellbeing and a good quality of life.However, this day has been greatly damaged, in all age groups, by the different conditions that we face every day as a society, but in my opinion in university students even more. In the last days we have seen that the students from different universities have expressed different claims and manifestations about the immense academic burdens that teachers place on them, many times without measuring the effect this can cause on a student who wants to perform well in academic terms.
Personally I see this subject very closely, since I consider that we cannot obtain the results that we hope when our head is not well, many times we have been exposed to fulfill tasks as if we were a robot, But no one cares about how we’re emotionally, even more so when in my case and in that of many other colleagues we are far from our families and we do not have that a support that I consider fundamental for each person in those days where you really we don’t want know more about college life or the things we have to do.
I understand very well that all people at the time of college pass or feel this at some point, but what’s the point of creating machines? Is it good for students to commit suicide because of mental health? What’s the point of watching students abandon their careers because they feel that they are going to fail? I really don’t know what they’re up to.
Now, I think everything would be better if the university were not a martyrdom for the students, on the contrary, it was a pleasant space, with conscious and empathetic teachers, who see that behind each student there is a person, which deserves to be and feel good about itself and the rest, since this will help us to train good professionals, with their very well developed abilities and abilities, generating an improvement for all as the work will be done with pleasure and happiness.


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