Why Did You Choose This Career / Course?

Hello again.
Hello again. In my previous post I mentioned that I was studying Public Administration, but this decision was not easy. Since I was a child I was always quite dreamy, I imagined myself doing many things. I dreamed of being a cashier at a supermarket, then I started dancing at a dance academy, at that moment I dreamed of being a great dancer and getting to the most important stages in the world, I also remember that I wanted to be a firefighter and help people who needed it, as my big cousin was and I always looked at it with great admiration. With the passage of time and as I grew my tastes changed, I no longer imagined being the things I liked since I was a child.
I wanted to be a teacher, I loved to imagine myself teaching mathematics to many boys and girls, as I always had a very special taste and closeness with boys.
By the time I graduated high school, it was not clear what I wanted to continue studying or what I really wanted to do in the future. But, however, I still maintained my taste and connection with the children, so I had as option Nursery Education or Pedagogy in Basic Education. However, when I got the results of the university selection test, I was happy, because I had enough for several things. At that moment I began to see the possibilities that I had and that’s where I met Public Administration. I liked the race a lot, because it had a very diverse curriculum, which allowed me to develop my scientific and humanistic skills. That’s why, I decided to change my options and I ran first for this race.
My experience so far in college has been very good. I have met wonderful people, I have lived very nice moments and I have made friends that I wish to keep for the rest of my life. I must say that it took me a lot to get used to Santiago and his lifestyle, since I always lived in a very small and very quiet town.
At the end of my career I would like to work in the Municipality of my village and from there I can contribute all my knowledge and thus end a series of problems that have always existed. However, I am not closed to the fact that in the future this path may change, since I still have a lot of time to decide.


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